Supporting Naturalization Services

Some authorities in Italy or the US often require that copies of vital statistics records and civil documents from foreign countries be submitted with most applications, including naturalization applications.
If you have a situation where you have a vital statistics record or civil document, such as a birth certificate or marriage certificate, and you need it translated, you can contact me. I have extensive experience in the translation of those documents into Italian and English.
Don’t forget that foreign documents to be presented in Italy must be accompanied by an apostille. Apostilles authenticate the seals and signatures of officials on public documents such as birth certificates, court orders, or any other document issued by a public authority so that they can be recognized in foreign countries that are members of the 1961 Hague Convention Treaty.
As far the US is concerned, apostilles on documents issued by States and lower levels of government are issued by the Secretary of State. Check the relevant websites for instructions. For federal documents, you can contact the Office of Authentications at the Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs. All services are available online.
The translated documents you will receive are certified translations with the name, signature, address, and date of certification. You will also receive a Statement of Accuracy from me saying that the translator is competent to translate and that the translation is accurate.
For your information, Italian citizenship is currently regulated by Law no. 91/1992.
This piece of legistlation has reaffirmed the importance of personal willingness to acquire citizenship and has recognised the right to hold more than one citizenship at the same time.
Citizenship legislation applies to:
- persons born Italian who have lost their citizenship and wish to reinstate it;
- descendents of Italian citizens claiming citizenship;
- foreigners applying for Italian citizenship.
If you need any further information about how to apply for citizenship, you can consult a lawyer or…
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For your convenience, here are quick links and phone numbers for the Secretary of State offices for all U.S. states and territories:
1. Alabama Secretary of State, 334-242-7200
2. Alaska Secretary of State, 907-465-2530
3. Arizona Secretary of State, 602-542-3230
4. Arkansas Secretary of State, 501-682-1010
5. California Secretary of State, 916-653-3795
6. Colorado Secretary of State, 303-894-2251
7. Connecticut Secretary of State, 203-566-3216
8. Delaware Secretary of State, 302-739-4111
9. District of Columbia Secretary of State, 202-727-7278
10. Florida Secretary of State, 904-488-9000
11. Georgia Secretary of State, 404-656-2817
12. Guam Government Site, 671-472-7679
13. Hawaii Secretary of State, 808-586-2727
14. Idaho Secretary of State, 208-334-2300
15. Illinois Secretary of State, 217-782-7880
16. Indiana Secretary of State, 317-232-6576
17. Iowa Secretary of State, 515-281-5204
18. Kansas Secretary of State, 913-296-2236
19. Kentucky Secretary of State, 502-564-2848
20. Louisiana Secretary of State, 504-925-4704
21. Maine Secretary of State, 207-287-3676
22. Maryland Secretary of State, 410-225-1330
23. Massachusetts Secretary of State, 617-727-9640
24. Michigan Secretary of State, 517-334-6206
25. Minnesota Secretary of State, 612-296-2803
26. Mississippi Secretary of State, 601-359-1333
27. Missouri Secretary of State, 314-751-1310
28. Montana Secretary of State, 406-444-3665
29. Nebraska Secretary of State, 402-471-4079
30. Nevada Secretary of State, 702-687-5203
31. New Hampshire Secretary of State, 603-271-3242
32. New Jersey Secretary of State, 609-530-6400
33. New Mexico Secretary of State, 505-827-4508
34. New York Secretary of State, 518-474-4752
35. North Carolina Secretary of State, 919-733-4201
36. North Dakota Secretary of State, 701-328-4284
37. Ohio Secretary of State, 614-466-3910
38. Oklahoma Secretary of State, 405-521-3911
39. Oregon Secretary of State, 503-986-2200
40. Pennsylvania Secretary of State, 717-787-1057
41. Puerto Rico Secretary of State, 787-722-2121
42. Rhode Island Secretary of State, 401-277-2357
43. South Carolina Secretary of State, 803-734-2158
44. South Dakota Secretary of State, 605-773-4845
45. Tennessee Secretary of State, 615-741-2286
46. Texas Secretary of State, 512-463-5555
47. Utah Secretary of State, 801-530-4849
48. Vermont Secretary of State, 802-828-2386
49. Virgin Islands Secretary of State, 340-776-8515
50. Virginia Secretary of State, 804-371-9141
51. Washington Secretary of State, 360-725-0377
52. West Virginia Secretary of State, 304-558-8000
53. Wisconsin Secretary of State, 608-266-3590
54. Wyoming Secretary of State, 307-777-7311