About me

Paolo Cappelli interprete @interpreterpaul

Paolo Cappelli   MA, MBA

Conference Interpreter, Translator, Linguistic Consultant

I bridge the linguistic gap among people, institutions, and professionals from different cultures who speak different languages.

I am originally from Rome, Italy.

I earned my MA magna cum laude in Conference Interpreting from the Libera Università degli Studi S.Pio V in Rome, Italy.

In 2011, I received the MA, magna cum laude in Journalism from the Kore University, Enna, Sicily.

Lately, I obtained the Master of Business Administration from the Peter J. Tobin College of Business of St. John’s University, Queens, New York. I have been accepted as member of the Sigma Iota Epsilon Honorary Management Society.

Also, I attended the Post Graduate Course in Languages for Special Purposes and Translation Services at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Italy and Creative Writing courses at the University of Oxford, UK.

Since 1993 I am a professional conference interpreter with a focus on institutions. I have been a language consultant for the internationalization of companies towards foreign markets.

I have organized and supervised interpreting teams during several events, including forming teams and estimating costs.

I added Spanish to my language combination after a long stay in Spain. Later on, I joined two major associations of conference interpreters, namely the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) and the American Translators Association.

I am a court interpreter in Italy, also known as “sworn translator”, at the Criminal Tribunal in Rome. Also, I have been selected as official translator for consular services of the US Embassy in Rome.

My clients as an interpreter are mainly institutions and governmental agencies, but I also translate books and articles, and proofread texts.

I constantly provide my clients with the best service in interpreting and translation and stand by their side in an effort to co-create value and attain corporate or institutional objectives. This is why I always suggest my clients not to use agencies for translation or interpreting. They add no value to the service, nor have a role in quality assurance, and the final price the client pays would be higher. Interpreters and translators are problem-solvers, not problems themselves.

If you want to know more, please read my blog.

Sono originario di Roma.

Ho ottenuto una Laurea in Interpretariato di Conferenza presso la Libera Università degli Studi S.Pio V, una Laurea Specialistica in Giornalismo presso l’Università Kore di Enna e il titolo di Master of Business Administration presso il Peter J. Tobin College of Business della St. John’s University di New York.

Grazie ai risultati conseguiti, sono divenuto membro della Sigma Iota Epsilon Honorary Management Society.

Inoltre, ho frequentato il Corso di Perfezionamento post laurea in Terminologie specialistiche e servizi di traduzione presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano e Corsi di scrittura creativa presso la University of Oxford, nel Regno Unito.

Nel 1993, ho iniziato l’attività come interprete professionista di inglese, concentrandomi sul settore istituzionale. Successivamente, ho svolto l’attività di consulente per l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese che volevano aprirsi ai mercati internazionali.

Ho partecipato in prima persona all’organizzazione di eventi, in particolare curando le equipe di interpreti, la stima dei costi per i servizi di traduzione e di interpretariato e la traduzione in spagnolo e inglese dei documenti di lavoro.

A seguito di un lungo soggiorno in Spagna, ho ampliato la mia combinazione linguistica, divenendo interprete e traduttore di spagnolo.

Ho poi aderito, dopo un processo di selezione, alle principali associazioni di interpreti e ad oggi sono membro dell’Associazione Internazionale Interpreti di Conferenza (AIIC) e della American Translators Association.

Sono un interprete di tribunale, più comunemente noto come “traduttore giurato” presso il Tribunale Penale di Roma, nonché traduttore ufficiale dei servizi consolari dell’Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti a Roma.

Opero principalmente con imprese e istituzioni, per i quali curo i siti web in inglese e spagnolo, effettuando anche traduzioni di libri e revisione di pubblicazioni.

Sono convinto che si debba assicurare la giusta attenzione al cliente, accompagnandolo nel processo di creazione del valore e di conseguimento dei suoi obiettivi. Questo è possibile solo operando direttamente, senza intermediari, che contribuiscono esclusivamente ad accrescere il costo finale, senza garantire la qualità del lavoro. L’interprete o il traduttore devono essere una soluzione per il cliente, non un ulteriore problema.

Se vuoi saperne di più, puoi consultare il mio blog.

What other people said


Munich, Germany

Translation of Driving License

Paolo provided a great service! He was very flexible in delivery of the final product with our changing schedules due to CORONAVIRUS impacts on our travel. He was also very responsive and understood exactly what we needed with regard to the driver’s license translation. I would highly recommend him - especially if you are an American looking to drive in Italy and need a translation on short notice!

Service 5/5
Customer care 5/5
Responsiveness 5/5
Pricing 5/5
Cost-to-quality ratio 5/5
Overall satisfaction 5/5





We were visiting Rome for a holiday when my father suffered serious illness. He was admitted to the hospital. Unfortunately, we do not speak Italian and no one in the hospital spoke enough English to translate for us. A loved one being sick is already stressful enough. Not being able to communicate with the doctors and nurses regarding my father’s condition made it worse. We asked Paolo to help us bridge the communication gap and he was wonderful. He responded quickly to our initial contact and took time to understand the situation. From the moment he showed up, the level of stress and frustration decreased. He helped us maneuver the system and explained to us what we needed to do. With his help we finally understood my father’s condition and more importantly the plan of care so he can travel back home with us.

Our whole family is so grateful for his services. We highly recommend him as translator!


Service 5/5
Customer care 5/5
Responsiveness 5/5
Pricing 5/5
Cost-to-quality ratio 5/5
Overall satisfaction 5/5


United States

Translation for notarial services

Very prompt and professional service from start to finish. Paolo offered specific advice and assistance for our translation that made it easy for us. Highly recommended!


Service 5/5
Customer care 5/5
Responsiveness 5/5
Pricing 5/5
Cost-to-quality ratio 5/5
Overall satisfaction 5/5



Minneapolis, MN, USA

Translation of Driving License

Paolo was incredibly friendly, responsive, and fast. Many thanks for helping with the translation of my driver’s license after I left my international translation at home. I would recommend this gentleman to anyone. Thank you again!


Service 5/5
Customer care 5/5
Responsiveness 5/5
Pricing 5/5
Cost-to-quality ratio 5/5
Overall satisfaction 5/5



US (living in Italy)

Translations for medical issues

Mr. Cappelli is very professional. With his help my translation request requiring an apostille and affidavit went smoothly.I left everything in Mr. Cappelli’s care. There is no doubt in my mind about using his services again should the need arise.

Service 5/5
Customer care 5/5
Responsiveness 5/5
Pricing 5/5
Cost-to-quality ratio 5/5
Overall satisfaction 5/5



This is my quality average:

Service 5/5
Customer care 5/5
Responsiveness 5/5
Pricing 5/5
Cost-to-quality ratio 5/5
Overall satisfaction 5/5


Paolo CAPPELLI @interpreterpaul
Interpreter | Translator
Italian - English - Spanish

US +1 (202) 697-9777

Italy +39 (339) 331-5178

Please, do not send CVs.

WeTranslate.xyz, LLC is a company registered in the State of Delaware, US

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